Board Membership

4 R Kids Early Childhood Iowa Area Board

The Board shall consist of a minimum of (8) eight Board members with a maximum of (12) twelve Board members. The Board shall have a minimum of (2) two Board members with no more than (3) three Board members representing each county as described in the Board member term section.  Members of  the Board shall be elected officials or members of the public who are not employed by a provider of services to or for the area Board and shall include representation from education, health, human services, business and faith interests, and at least one parent, grandparent, or guardian of a child from zero through age five*.  The Board shall strive for gender balance. All members shall reside or work in the four county service area.

Board members shall not be members who are employed by, or participate on the Board of any provider of service or an entity who receives Early Childhood Iowa area Board funding.  If a Board member is appointed and later is awarded funding they shall vacate their Board position immediately.  The position will then be filled within the accordance of the Board membership/application section.

A Board member shall be limited to two full terms.  At the completion of two full terms, Board members are ineligible from applying for membership for twelve months.  In the event any Board member is appointed to fill an unexpired term, he/she shall complete that term and be eligible for two full terms. All terms shall be staggered. A full term is thirty-six (36) months served consecutively. All terms shall begin January 1.

4 R Kids Early Childhood Iowa Area Board Members

Board Member County Representation
Nancy Hopkins Warren Citizen
Jacob Gunn Warren Education*
Rita Martens – Chairperson Madison Citizen
Christine Lundy Adair Citizen
Jessica Petter Adair Health*
Jacob Al-Mazora Madison Human Service*
Brittany Shinn Adair Parent*
Colleen Strohmaier Dallas Business*
Wendy Sawyer – Vice Chairperson Madison Faith*
Catherine Reaman-Gerdes Warren Citizen
Deb Hansen Dallas Citizen
Open Dallas Citizen

4 R Kids Early Childhood Board Membership Application

If you are interested in applying for board membership please download the application or request an emailed version by emailing  You may email the application or mail it the instructions are in the application.

4 R Kids Board Membership Application

4 R Kids Board Overview